Process of bubbles attach to particles in dissolved air flotation
News 2022年2月17日 912
Separation of particles by flotation mainly depends on the rise rate of bubble flocs, agglomerates, and bubble-oil aggregation.The key to an increase in rise rate of bubble or bubble/oil agglomerates over the rise in unaerated systems is a reduction in the effective density of the oil (or solid) particle (or agglomerate) that is accomplished by the attachment or encapsulation of an air bubble onto or into flocs, bubbles, or solid particles. The process follows these steps:
- Introduction of gas bubbles into the wastewater;
- Collision between the gas bubble and suspended matter (suspended particulates as well as oil droplets);
- Attachment of fine bubbles to the surface of the suspended matter;
- Collision between gas-attached suspended particles with the formation of agglomerates;
- Entrapment of more gas bubbles in the agglomerates;
- Upward rise of floc structures in a sweeping action, which is termed “sweep flocculation”.